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School uniform is compulsory and must be worn by all pupils. Children are expected to come to school in the school colours (black or navy, and white), neat and tidily dressed. Uniform requirements are listed below; all of these items are readily available from supermarkets and high street clothing retailers.

Although it is not compulsory, if you choose to you can now order the school uniforms with the school logo from Gasgoine Clothing - password is rainbow1718. 

Footwear should be dark closed toe shoes; socks/tights should be plain black, navy, white or grey.

Uniform shop

We have created an online second hand uniform shop. We are doing this using an online site called Uniformd 

Please click here to access the site

We are able to offer second hand Overdale Infant uniform to our community at a very small cost or for free. With Uniformd, we can create a sustainable marketplace for parents to donate and access affordable used school uniforms. This not only reduces the financial toll on parents but also raises much needed funds for the school. We also aim to establish a Uniformd ecosystem in our school, actively championing the collective reduction of a whole community’s environmental impact. We are stronger together, especially when it comes to sustainability.

Uniform Requirements 


PE Guidelines

  1. Long hair should be tied back.
  2. No jewellery should be worn.
  3. Children are expected to remove their own jewellery (including piercings) or parents must remove them before school. 

Children will not be able to join in the PE session if earrings are not removed.

Book Bag

The children will need to bring in a small bag, preferably a book bag each day. Book bags can also be purchased from Gasgoine clothing. (password: rainbow1718)