Park and Stride
On February 28th 2022 some changes were made to the road layouts around our school as part of the Safer Streets, Healthier Neighbourhoods initiative. This involved the introduction of experimental:
- one-way streets
- road closures
- pavement parking bans
The school streets span the entire length of Northfold Road and Eastcourt Road. The roads are narrowed using planters at the junctions of Overdale Road and Kingsmead Road.
During school run times 8am - 9am and 2.30pm - 4pm parents to be encouraged to park at Park and Stride locations. Vehicles parked within the school street zone during the times above could be ticketed by Police. Vehicles can exit the school and school streets during the closure times. Visitors and delivery drivers will be encouraged to park on adjacent roads or use the park and stride locations. Vehicles can park on-street prior to 8am or in between the closure times.
Parents and carers not able to walk, cycle or scoot their whole journey to school are asked to park outside of the restricted area and complete the last part on foot. The following Park & Stride location is available for use:
- Knighton Park car park, Palmerston Way, LE2 3RE
We ask that all parents and carers park considerately and consider the access needs of local residents when parking.
Residents will be able to continue to access their street when the restriction is in force. Any existing parking restrictions in place on the roads will continue to operate and anyone parking in contravention of these will be liable for the relevant penalty notice.