Our PE Curriculum Intent
• To inspire lifelong engagement in physical activity: We aim to foster a love for movement and exercise, encouraging pupils to embrace physical activity as a vital part of a healthy lifestyle that they will carry with them into adulthood.
• To develop a range of physical skills and abilities: Our curriculum is designed to build foundational knowledge and skills in coordination, strength, agility, and balance, enabling pupils to participate confidently in a variety of sports and physical activities.
• To promote teamwork, respect, and sportsmanship: We focus on instilling values of cooperation, respect, and fair play, encouraging pupils to work effectively within teams and show empathy toward peers, both in competitive and cooperative settings.
• To nurture confidence and resilience through physical challenges: Our PE lessons encourage pupils to set personal goals, challenge themselves, and develop resilience, celebrating both effort and improvement as key achievements.
• To understand the importance of physical and mental well-being: We emphasise the connection between physical activity and overall well-being, helping pupils recognise the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of staying active.
This intent ensures that physical education nurtures not only physical skills but also character, resilience, and a lifelong commitment to health and well-being.
Overdale Infant School is using this money in a number of ways to enhance our PE provision for the children and further promote a healthy lifestyle.
Please visit the Sports Premium page for further information. Our Curriculum overview document can be found at the bottom of the page.
Pupil Voice
Happy Lunchtimes
We have invested some of our Sports Premium in purchasing high quality equipment for use during lunchtime. This helps children to engage in a range of different activities and to build essential social skills. Activities children have the opportunity to engage with include basketball, tag rugby, football, dance, den building, badminton and skipping, amongst others.
After-School Clubs
We have a wide range of after-school clubs offering children the chance to learn the skills of different sports with a sports coach. Please visit our clubs page for more information.
Metcalf Sports
We employ a sports coaching company, 'Metcalf Multisports', to provide weekly professional development training for our staff, sports coaching for our children and provide our after-school clubs as detailed above.
Metcalf has a wealth of experience in sports coaching and work in a number of schools across Leicester and Rugby.
Please see Metcalf Multisports website for more information.